Home Based Business Success

Sunday, September 24, 2006

What Are American's Thinking? Why Would They Do This?

I have some shocking stats for you about American's.

It blows my mind how single focused they are and how much they badly covet to WORK, WORK, WORK and then WORK even more, at what expense?

Is that how the rest of the world works? Is that how you work?

Look at the proof - Here are the stats so you can see it with your own eyes, so you know I am telling the truth about Americans.

Average Annual Vacation Days USED By Country:
42 days in Italy
37 Days in France
35 Days In Germany
34 Days in Brazil
28 Days in Britian
26 Days in Canada
25 Days in Japan

And are you ready for this...13 Days in the United States of America!

Americans, on average only take 13 days off for fun and relaxation. And most of the time, those days are spent at the in-laws house while the kids are playing in the $5.00 kiddie pool filled with hose wateron the brown dried out lawn. (ok, that was a stereotype... Forgive me... but the point was made? Are you going to the in-laws again this year to sleep on the hida-bed?)

What is everyone doing? What are Americans thinking?

Did you know that people who don't take vacations are more likely to have heart attacks, heart Ailments, and other kinds of physical problems?

People who do take vacations are more likey to have a tan for a month, positive attitudes, souvenir T-Shirts from interesting places, and a happier and better disposition on life. Travel just makes people happy.

Let me ask you something?

--------- Are You at risk? ----------

The average American spends more time in their BATHROOM than they do on a beach or in a beautiful condo or cruise boat. (and I am not counting the hours you spend IN the bathroom WHILE you are on vacation).

** Has your "big cheese" turned down your vacation request? For the fourth year in a row?

** Has you wife or husband told you... We can just camp in the backyard again this year and save some money so we can get that new High Def TV we always wanted... Instead of going to Disneyworld with the kids...

** Think Vacations are too much money? I beg to differ, it is obvious to me, that you have not looked at my site and seen one of my FREE gifts you get just for becoming a Cashflow Magic Affiliate with me?

Did you see this yet? - http://www.cashflow123.com/paulbirdsall

Then, get ready to get all your pent up frustrations out and do some serious damage to your boss... yep.. you know the one... the boss!

The one who tells you what to wear, what to do, when to pee, when to take a break, what car to drive, what house to live in, what time to get up in the early, early, early am, while the rest of the world sleeps, the boss who tells you when to go home, when to take lunch, when to go on vacation or NOT go on vacation :( .... do you know that boss?

The boss you work so damn hard to please so you put MORE money in THE COMPANIES POCKET, but sit there and take it in the .... well, take it in the chin, with lousy wages and hardly any time off.... Are we getting heated up yet here gang?

It is time to take our lives back.

It is time to give it to "the Man!"

Want to help me?

Come get your frustrations out and "BASH THE BOSS!" Friday is Officially (according to PAUL BIRDSALL) BASH THE BOSS DAY! (cheers outside my window)!

Yes, you can do this, you can actually have FUN BASSING THE BOSS and the Boss Will never know!

You might even be at work reading this, and if you are careful, you can bash your boss right there at work and they will never know!

How .... How do you bash the boss?

Are you a Boss reading this? Better check the office, if you hear laughter out there, they are bashing you!

Go to this website, and see if you can beat my high score.

Put on your boxing gloves and see if you can knock your boss into next week or your next fiscal calendar year!

I got a score of 88.3.... Almost a record score... You gotta see this, it'll crack you up. It'll make your day. It is "laugh out loud"

http://www.iwantmyvacation.com click on Games - "Bash The Boss Game"

When you are done pounding the boss, can you do me a favor?

Head back to my website at http://www.cashflow123.com/paulbirdsall and get ready to take the American Nation on Vacation? I am looking for people who want to wake up the sorry-work-aholicare nation. Are you coachable and trainable and someone who wants to follow a simple duplicateable system that many have followed before you, which has led to....

-- Increased Vacation Time off--Happy Families?--More Money in your Wallet--More Freedom?--More Time off at home?--More Sleeping in?

Do you want it or not?

Call me, okay? Let's do this. You deserve it.

This is where the rat race maze ends and we see the link at the end of the tunnel. You are more than a # or a "staff" or "Middle Management"

You are a superstar in the making, let's make you be who you can be!

http://www.cashflow123.com/paulbirdsall <<--- Go NOW

To Your Success,
Paul Birdsall

Paul Birdsall helps anyone serious about building financial freedom from home. He has built a 100% generic internet marketing system that will teach anyone how to generate targeted traffic for FREE. Get Details And Get Started Today By Simply CLICKING HERE!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Best in Show

Copyright © Paul M. Birdsall

Do your homework to determine the best affiliate programs for your web site.

Affiliate (aka Associate) programs are a win-win situation for everyone involved. Internet-based merchants hook up with affiliates to generate traffic to their web sites. Affiliates get paid if the traffic from their site visits the merchant web page. The smart Internet entrepreneur does some research to determine the best affiliate programs for her business.

Where to Look

Affiliate networks are the middle man between affiliates and web sites with affiliate programs. Look for affiliate networks that provide all the tools needed to set up and maintain an affiliate program.

AssociatePrograms.com is a popular directory with information about merchants that pay you to sell their wares.

Commission Junction is a free network that offers access to thousands of the best affiliate programs. Commission Junction combines all your affiliate earnings (product sales, on-line ads, links) into one monthly check.

What to Look for

The best affiliate programs will be those that target your customer base. An on-line florist would get little traffic from a pet supply website. You want an affiliate whose business is similar or comparable to your product. Avoid affiliates with low quality products. Ask to speak to existing affiliates to find out if a company is reputable.

Referral traffic may link to the merchant site and not buy initially but return to make a purchase weeks later. Look for affiliate programs that remember your site was responsible for that customer. The best affiliate programs remember you for 60 days by using cookies to tag the customer's computer when he visits the merchant site.

The best affiliate programs offer reliable support such as ads, logos, and sales advice. Good programs also provide timely updates on click through sales and earnings, and, respond to questions or problems within 24 hours.

Getting Paid

There are three common affiliate payment plans. With pay per sale, the merchant pays when the affiliate sends a customer who buys from the merchant's site. The payment could be a set amount or a percentage of the sale.

In a pay per click set up, the affiliate is paid based on the number of people who visit the merchant's web site regardless if a purchase was made.

With pay per lead programs, affiliates are paid based on the number of people who sign up as leads. A lead would be a visitor who filled out an information page on the merchant web site thus becoming a potential customer.

Multi-level payment plans allow affiliates to earn commission on sales, clicks, or leads from their sites as well as commission based on activity generated by affiliate sites they refer to the merchant site. Another form of payment is residual commission. Affiliates continue earning money after the original sale has been made. This is common in situations where customers pay monthly fees for merchant services.

The best affiliate programs pay at least 25% commission with some going as high as 50%. Payments should be made at least once a month although some affiliate programs pay quarterly or twice a year.

Honorable Mentions

There are hundreds of good, reputable affiliate programs. Three that stand out among the best are Neil Shearing's affiliate program which pays some of the highest commissions and conversion rates; Ken Evoy's 5 Pillar Program which offers excellent marketing and educational information; and My TemplatesStorage, a good site for web development merchants.

After years of research and getting involved with dozens of opportunities, I have found these to be the very best....
Success University
Global Domains International

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Retired Persons Guide to Making Money Online

If you are retired you have a great opportunity to make money online. After all, you will have as much time as you need in order to make sure that you are a success. Unlike other people that try to make money online, you will not have to work another job in order to stay afloat financially. You can make this work to your advantage, and be making money online before you ever thought possible.

Listed below are a few tips that you should follow if you are retired and looking to make money online.

1. The first thing that you will need to do is make sure that you have enough knowledge of the internet to be successful. Some retirees never used the internet in the past. If you do not have experience online there is no reason to give up on your goal. Simply get connected and start dabbling. For assistance you may want to purchase a book or two on getting started online. These will give you basic information on the internet, and what you need to know to get started. You may also want to take a course at a local community college. This is a great way of getting first hand instructions from a professional.

2. When you are ready to go, the next thing that you must do is make a decision as to how you want to make money. Do you want to start an online business? Or do you want to use affiliate programs to make money? Some retirees find that the easiest way to make money online is to bring their past work knowledge into their venture. This way they already have knowledge on the industry. This is a great option that you should consider.

3. After getting your business idea in line, you will need to set up a business and marketing plan. This will help to keep you on track during your quest to make money online. By having a business plan in place you will be able to stay on track no matter what is thrown at you. And a marketing plan is very important so that people know you exist.

4. Stay patient when trying to make money online. Just like anything else you are going to run into problems along the way, and you will probably feel like giving up. But by staying with your plan, you will reach your goals soon enough.

Overall, retired people can make a lot of money online. If you are in this situation, you will want to follow the tips above in order to get started. By doing so you will be on track to making money online, and supplementing your income.

Report by: Paul Birdsall

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Home Business Success Stories

Copyright © The Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits Team

Do you want to start your own home business? Are you a bit scared because you think that you will lose all of your money? Does it seem to you that every home business fails? If you answered yes to any of these questions you are in the majority. There are thousands of people from one side of the world to the next that want to start their own home business. But even though they are thinking about it, they do not move forward because they are scared to lose money, or that they will fail before they even taste success. Even though these are viable concerns, you need to get past them so that you can be a success.

Believe it or not there are many home business success stories out there. Have you ever heard any before? If not, there are places that you can go to get a good dose of them. If you need a bit of motivation, a home business success story is the way to go. And to find home business success stories you do not have to look any further than the internet. There are hundreds of people that have successfully started their own home business who will be more than willing to share their story with you.

Here are some for you can listen to:

Click Here to hear Maury from Florida, USA

Click Here to hear Patty from the United States

Click Here to hear Taryn from Australia

Click Here to hear Jennifer from Kelowna, Canada

Click Here to hear Tony from Sweden

There are people who have successfully started their own home business. It may seem impossible for you right now, but the fact of the matter is that it can happen. The best way to realize your potential is to read the success stories that are online. This will give you the motivation that you need, while also allowing you to become familiar with what it takes to reach your goals.

Find success stories if you too want to be a success. Follow your goals of owning a home based business, and do not stop until you reach what you have been striving for like these people.....

Click Here to hear Linda from Canada

Click Here to hear Twanzell from Michigan, USA

For more stories and information about Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits, CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Great Reasons to Start a Business from Home

Copyright © Paul M. Birdsall

Working from home is a wonderful opportunity which many individuals take advantage of these days. Personal reasons and professional reasons are largely the way in which a business from home gets started. Whatever ones type of business might consist of, there are many great reasons to start a business from home.

1) Take Care of the Children While Working

It can arguably be said that one of the most often cited reasons to start a business from home is so that one or both parents can stay at home with the children while earning an income at the same time. Some individuals shy away from day care facilities, as they would like the best of both worlds by working and caring for their children at the same time. Many home-based businesses make this possible by allowing the parent to be in the house with their children and pay the bills as well.

2) Little or No Overhead Costs

An individual who works from home may also choose this business route as it allows them to expend little or no overhead on business expenses. Although many individuals will have to pay some extra costs associated with their business expenses, it is undoubtedly more economical to work from home than rent an office building and hired help elsewhere. Also, by starting a business from home, the business owner is already paying utility bills anyway so this too will reduce the overhead costs.

3) No Commute to Worry About

One will surely appreciate the fact that they have no commute which they have to deal with at the beginning and end of the workday. When one starts a business from home and has a home office they will not have to worry about commuting and dealing with all of the headaches and hassles that go along with such a thing like high gas prices, traffic and wear and tear on the automobile.

4) Time Efficient Alternative

If one chooses to start a business from home, they will also find that it is a time efficient alternative to the usual work environment. Not only will the individual save time on the work commute but they will also find that they can eat lunch at home which saves time by not having to venture out to find a meal during the day.

5) Can Work Around the Clock If One So Chooses

One last great reason to start a business from home is that it enables the business owner to work around the clock if they so desire. For example, should the business owner need to finish up some paperwork after dinner, all he/she will need to do is to walk over to their home office and take care of the issue. The 24-hour availability of the business from home provides convenience for the business owner.

6) Unlimited Financial Rewards

Of course the money that can be made from your own home business either part-time or full-time can be unlimited! The amount of money you make will depend on the opportunity, the system you choose to apply and your efforts. For an opportunity that requires only a $10 investment and holds unlimited potential click here!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Factors Regarding Finding a New Home Based Business Opportunity!

Copyright © Pro Affiliate Mentoring Inc.

Working from home is a concept which many are taking part in on a daily basis. In today’s world, individuals are finding different employment avenues to pursue which enable them to stay at home with their kids, forego the treacherous daily commute and be their own boss all at the same time. For those individuals who are intrigued by the idea of working from home and looking for a new home based business opportunity to try, there are a few factors to consider when trying to find this type of income deriving occupation.

Pursue New Business Avenues

There are many work at home job opportunities which have been attempted in the past yet proven to not be successful. In order to find a new home based business opportunity that works, it is important to consider what business avenues have not been pursued as vigorously in the past. Whether it is a concept that has not been fully developed by other companies or if it is something new altogether, one should pursue a new business avenue so that it is fresh and exciting to the general consumer market.

Shop Around and Don’t Settle on the First Concept

One who is looking to obtain a new home based business opportunity should check out all of their available options and not settle for the first business concept that they think of. By pursuing their options vigorously, one can rest assured that all new home based business opportunities have been adequately researched and the individual has settled on the perfect one. By considering various home-based business options, the prospective business owner will also determine what concept is overused and what business concept is not adequately represented commercially.

Consider Your Talents

There are so many different home based business opportunities which one can take part in. With that said, it is important to consider a new home based business opportunity which truly reflects one’s talents. This is beneficial for a few different reasons. First, by choosing a business that reflects one’s talents, the individual can be certain that they know what they are doing with regard to the particular job type. Secondly, one who selects a home-based business that is in keeping with their talents can help to ensure that they will enjoy the work that they do and not be easily bored as may be the case if they were running a business that they did not know too much about.


Finding a new home based business opportunity is not as hard as it looks. In order to choose the best one, the prospective business owner should pursue new business avenues completely and consider their talents when selecting a particular business route to take. This will help to ensure that the outcome is a complete success.

Source - http://www.cashflow123.com

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Starting A Home Business Shouldn't Be Hard!

Copyright © The Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits Team

It shouldn't involve having to make a list of 100 people you've known since kindergarten. Or dragging people to living room meetings. Or trying to get people to buy products every month. Or trying to build a 'downline' so you can earn $4.54 when someone buys a bottle of "Magic Juice", Or having to be a computer expert to figure out how tomake money. Our business involves none of those things.

Instead, we offerpeople a few things that you might be surprised and delighted about: -- we show people how to replace their income in less than 6 months (no matter HOW much they're currently earning!) -- we show them how to do this with a simple, proven blueprint -- we show them how to create results with as few as 5-10 hours per week -- we offer training by top earners in the business -- we provide hands-on support by partnering you with people who are getting the kinds of results YOU want -- and we put a premium on FAMILY, FREEDOM, FINANCES and FUN!Sound good?

It did to me, too!Check out this site for all the details:


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Toot Your Web Horn - Tips for promoting your home business web site.

Copyright © Paul M. Birdsall

Traffic on the freeway is bad. Traffic on the Internet is good. With over 60 million web sites on the Net, you need a solid strategy for steering customers to your home business web site.

Search Engines

Search engines are the yellow pages for a home business web site. Over 80% of Internet surfers use search engines to find information on the web. To get the most traffic to your site, list with the big search engine players Yahoo, Google, and MSN. Smaller search engines also get results from the big three so you'll be covered in case customers visit less popular engines.

Looking Good

Your home business web site can be simple or complex but it must be functional and attractive. Make sure your site does what it is supposed to do - provide customers with concise, useful information about your product or service. Be wary of making things too complicated. The site should be easy to navigate or customers will look elsewhere.

Your home business web site should also look professional, not cheap. If you aren't design savvy, spend money on a good web designer. The investment will pay off by attracting more people to your web page.

On-line Ads

The Internet has many sites where you can list your home business web site for free. To guarantee the greatest exposure, place your ad on several (20 or more) sites and repeat the process every month.

Banner advertisements can be as effective as TV spots in increasing customer awareness of your business. A banner ad should be direct, i.e. promote a benefit of rather than just the name of the product or service. Try participating in a banner exchange program such as LinkExchange that connects your home business web site to other company sites that have similar customer bases.
Affiliate programs offer an excellent opportunity to promote your home business web site. Affiliate businesses post links to your web page on their sites. You pay them a commission or set fee based on the amount of traffic sent to your web site. Pay arrangements vary and can be based on the number of people who visit your site or the number of customers who purchase your product.

Bloggin' It

Bloggers are the hot new information medium. Getting them to write about your home business web site is an excellent way to gain exposure to potential customers.

Technorati Blog Directory provides a listing of blogs by industry. Do your research here to determine which blogs might be interested in writing about your business. Send a short, personal email to a few blog writers describing your web site and asking the blogger to write about it. Offer the writer something in return, for example, free product or a link back to his blog on your web site.

Off-line Ads

Cruising Down the Highway your car is a moving billboard for a home business web site. Window decals and bumper stickers are inexpensive ways to get the word out about your web site. Spend a few extra dollars for a personalized license plate with your web address.

Old Media Standby

Regardless of what the bloggers say, people still read the printed page. Run ads in the classifieds of large and small papers, trade magazines, and free weeklies. Your choice of print media will depend on the product or service offered and whether you do business locally or nationwide.


PayItForward4Profits, "Internet Marketing Success Guide" (click here)
Gaebler Ventures, "Advertising on the Web" (gaebler.com)Data Synthesis, "Internet Solutions for Today" (ictks.com)"Top Ten Ways to Promote your Website" (agora-business-center.com)"Using Blog PR to Promote Your Site" (sitepronews.com)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Finding a Work at Home Internet Business Opportunity!

Copyright © Paul M. Birdsall

Many people are forever looking for that perfect work at home Internet business opportunity so that they can finally quit their day job and work at home. While others could easily find a good Internet business, others spend hours scourging the net and find nothing but junks, which are useless for them.

The key to finding that work at home Internet business opportunity is to study the business you want to get into. There are many computer magazines in the market that offers leads and information about Internet business trends. Reading these magazines can help you find what you are looking for. Another way of finding leads would be to join forums online and ask around. There are many forum posters who are willing and able to help you find something. At some sites, forum posters would be quick to post links on the topics you are interested in. Most of the links they provide you are helpful.

There are many work at home internet business opportunities you can find depending on where you look for it and what area you are proficient with. Wed designing could be a very lucrative business considering the hundreds of web sites being launched every day. Where to look for this type of Internet business opportunity? Offering your services as a web designer to your friends would be a good start especially if you don’t have the money to start an advertising campaign for your services. You can also join bidding sites offering web-designing projects. Although most bidding sites a known for its notoriously low prices due to the fact that many service providers are willing to offer rock bottom price, there is no harm in getting a couple of low paying projects just to get you started and add some credentials.

Aside from web designing which could be a full time job, there are hundreds of work at home Internet business opportunities you can find by just typing in some keywords on the search page.

Network marketing is one of the most popular part time work at home internet business opportunity. Unlike web designing, network marketing does not need a lot of technical knowledge and creativity. All you need to do with network marketing is to log on to their website, register as member, buy some of their products and then invite friends to join in. The more people you invite to join in the network marketing business, the bigger income you will get in terms of commissions every time a member of your network purchase a product of the company. The good thing about network marketing is that you don’t only earn commissions on the purchases of your direct recruits. You also earn commissions on the purchases of your recruits recruit usually up to the 5th level. Now that is really an interesting work at home Internet business opportunity.

Want a great business opportunity that provides everything all in one place; Complete website set-up for free, complete training & mentoring, and a Internet Marketing Success Guide that is designed to get traffic to your new money making website! Learn more, CLICK HERE!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Web Site Promotion for Newbies!

Copyright © Paul M. Birdsall

If you are new to the internet world you are not alone. There are a lot of people who are not too familiar with the internet, but want to join in on the profits that are available. If this sounds like you one of the most important things that you will need to learn is how to promote your web site.

When it comes to promoting your web site there are many options available to you. The good thing is that a lot of them are free of cost, or will only set you back a few dollars. But at the same time there are also a lot of ways that you can promote your web site that will cost you quite a bit of money. But either way, if you learn what you are doing you will be able to get the word out about your web site.

As far as free web site promotion is concerned, one of the best things that you can do is join in on the discussions that are taking place at some of the online forums. For instance, if your new web site is targeted towards the clothing industry, you will want to find forums that discuss this topic. When talking with others you can run ideas past them, and also market your new web site to them. Make sure that you add your web site to your forum signature. This way, every time you make a post anybody that reads it will be able to click on your link. Believe it or not this will drive plenty of traffic to your site.

Another low cost way to promote your web site is to submit articles to article directories. This can be done in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is write an article that coincides with your web site, and then submit it to directories. In addition, you will be able to add an author’s resource box after the article. This again will allow readers to click on your link and head straight for your site. Over time different article directories will pick up on your articles. In turn, your links will begin to show up all over the internet, which of course means more traffic directed to your web site.

Overall, web site promotion is something that you will want to learn about early on. But do not let this scare you away. There are many ways that you can promote your new web site to the internet world. With a bit of research, patience, and determination, you will be successfully promoting your web site. And with successful promotion comes traffic and profits! And isn’t this what everybody wants?

Click Here for access to our FREE Internet Marketing Success Guide!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

You really can Success Working at Home!

Copyright © Paul M. Birdsall

Do you want to start a home based business? Is it your dream to run your own show so that you never again have to listen to your boss? If this sounds like you, you are in a group of thousands of other people. It is safe to say that in some point in everyone’s life they dream of running their own business. The benefits and advantages of having a home based business are many. If you are lucky enough to ever have this chance you should really revel in it. Remember, not everybody can be so lucky.

But you are probably asking yourself if you can really have success with a home business. The answer to this question is simple, yes. If you know what you are doing and take your time, you can have success running a home business. Unfortunately, it is not always as easy as it may seem. You are going to run into problems from the very beginning, and there are going to be times when you think about giving up.

The first thing that you need to do when setting up a home business is to make a decision on what you want to concentrate on. In other words, what is your business going to do? This is a question that can sometimes be hard to answer. The majority of people want to do something that they like, but at the same time they do not know how to get started. You need to remember that in order for your home business to be a success you have to like what you are doing. If you don’t like your home business idea, why move forward in the process? You will simply end up in the same situation that you are in with your current job.

Also, a successful home business needs time to grow. You should never think that you are going to take off within a couple days of opening up shop. It is going to take you a bit of time to get your bearings and take off. For this reason, patience is very important to the success of your home business. With patience you will be able to wait out the rough times that are bound to show up time and time again. No home business starts making big time money in the first day. But if you take your time you will get to where you want to be.

Overall, you can have a lot of success with a home business. It may not be easy at first, but as time goes by you will become comfortable with what you are doing. Sooner or later you will be making profits on your own.

Here are some great business to get started with:

Global Domains International
Success University
Cashflow Magic (provides awesome training and support!)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Affiliate Programs Can Make You Rich!

Copyright © Pro Affiliate Mentoring Inc.

Best in Show

Do your homework to determine the best affiliate programs for your web site.
Affiliate (aka Associate) programs are a win-win situation for everyone involved. Internet-based merchants hook up with affiliates to generate traffic to their web sites. Affiliates get paid if the traffic from their site visits the merchant web page. The smart Internet entrepreneur does some research to determine the best affiliate programs for her business.

Where to Look

Affiliate networks are the middle man between affiliates and web sites with affiliate programs. Look for affiliate networks that provide all the tools needed to set up and maintain an affiliate program. AssociatePrograms.com is a popular directory with information about merchants that pay you to sell their wares.

Commission Junction is a free network that offers access to thousands of the best affiliate programs. Commission Junction combines all your affiliate earnings (product sales, on-line ads, links) into one monthly check.

What to Look for

The best affiliate programs will be those that target your customer base. An on-line florist would get little traffic from a pet supply website. You want an affiliate whose business is similar or comparable to your product. Avoid affiliates with low quality products. Ask to speak to existing affiliates to find out if a company is reputable.

Referral traffic may link to the merchant site and not buy initially but return to make a purchase weeks later. Look for affiliate programs that remember your site was responsible for that customer. The best affiliate programs remember you for 60 days by using cookies to tag the customer's computer when he visits the merchant site.

The best affiliate programs offer reliable support such as ads, logos, and sales advice. Good programs also provide timely updates on click through sales and earnings, and, respond to questions or problems within 24 hours.

Getting Paid

There are three common affiliate payment plans. With pay per sale, the merchant pays when the affiliate sends a customer who buys from the merchant's site. The payment could be a set amount or a percentage of the sale.
In a pay per click set up, the affiliate is paid based on the number of people who visit the merchant's web site regardless if a purchase was made.
With pay per lead programs, affiliates are paid based on the number of people who sign up as leads. A lead would be a visitor who filled out an information page on the merchant web site thus becoming a potential customer.
Multi-level payment plans allow affiliates to earn commission on sales, clicks, or leads from their sites as well as commission based on activity generated by affiliate sites they refer to the merchant site. Another form of payment is residual commission. Affiliates continue earning money after the original sale has been made. This is common in situations where customers pay monthly fees for merchant services.

The best affiliate programs pay at least 25% commission with some going as high as 50%. Payments should be made at least once a month although some affiliate programs pay quarterly or twice a year.

Honorable Mentions

There are hundreds of good, reputable affiliate programs. Three that stand out among the best are Neil Shearing's affiliate program which pays some of the highest commissions and conversion rates; Ken Evoy's 5 Pillar Program which offers excellent marketing and educational information; and My TemplatesStorage, a good site for web development merchants.


FREE Website set-up with your affiliate links, CLICK HERE!

FREE Mentoring & Internet Marketing Success Guide, CLICK HERE!